Sunday Morning Adult Classes

Our 11am Sunday morning adult education classes run for four weeks, take the fifth week off for all-church fellowship, then resume again for another four-week unit. We hope you will find a class that will encourage you to learn more about Jesus and connect with others after worship on Sundays:

Just Your Type | Aug 18 & 25, Sept 15 & 22 | 11am | Oerter

How can we determine that Old Testament people and events whisper Jesus' name? Join Carl Hofmann as he takes a deeper dive into the themes and assumptions introduced during our sermon series, Origin Story.

One means for making sense of the unity and purpose of the Bible is to understand it "typologically", that is, discerning a pattern of Old Testament "types" (people, events, places) that point forward to a corresponding "anti-type" in the New Testament, particularly in Jesus, his person and work. This class will introduce biblical typology, framing it in our historic faith commitment to Scripture as both inspired and authoritative. We will see how the Old Testament points forward, sometimes whispering, sometimes shouting, the name of Jesus.

Intersections | Begins Sept 22 | 11am | Fallout

Looking for a Sunday class that would give you the opportunity to intersect with God and with others as we seek to grow in our faith in Jesus Christ? Intersections is an adult Bible study class in which we take interesting topics, passages or themes and dig deeply into their meaning and application to 21st century Christian living. Come once or come often. The door is wide open!

The current class will look at the Apostle Paul, his background, his calling and the first century world in which he ministered in order to take a fresh look at his writings.
We will review epistles written at various times across his ministry and with varying intent for his audience.  We will consider Paul’s origin story, his Hebrew training, how he was impacted by his encounter with the risen Lord, what we know about his original audiences and what Paul was working to accomplish through his ministry.  
Will that change any of our understanding of how to apply his writings today?  Will it just reinforce what we already know?  Let’s find out together!
Singing the Psalms | 11am | Chapel

Join us to reflect on the Psalms through singing. Based on Dietrich Bonhoffer's book, Psalms, The Prayer Book of the Bible, we will examine a category of Psalms and learn to sing one or two of them together. No preparation required and each week stands alone. Led by Rich Bledsoe and Jackson Feaster.

The After Party: Toward Better Christian Politics | Oct 6-Nov 3 | 11am | Oerter Hall

National elections can be a time of stress, division, and uncertainty. The After Party, a 4-week, nonpartisan class led by Pastor Carl Hofmann and Professor Matthew Koschmann, offers us a better Christian politics centered on Jesus and his kingdom.  We'll watch video clips, have group discussion and personal reflection activities, and spend time in prayer for our church, community, and nation.

Based on The After Party: Toward Better Christian Politics—Redeeming Babel.

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