Racial Justice Ministry

Connecting through common grace in Jesus.

At Grace Commons Church, we believe every person is created in the image of God. So, we are deeply troubled by racial injustice in the world today. We desire to be part of ongoing discussions and prayer calling out injustice in the world, in our country and even in our local history. We pray that Grace Commons and the larger Church would follow Christ’s command to “love our neighbor” (Matthew 22:39) and would indeed be “a house of prayer for all nations.” (Isaiah 56:7)

Justice is central to the Kingdom of God and a major theme in the Bible. Watch this six minute video from the Bible Project describing biblical justice.

Formed in 2021, the Racial Justice Ministry seeks to be a ministry avenue for Grace Commons Church covenant partners and friends to be Christ followers in building God’s kingdom of biblical justice, including racial justice for all peoples. Join our team of covenant partners who meet monthly to explore ways each of us can be pointing to Jesus as we, individually or corporately, work towards God’s justice among all people groups or ethne. For more information on how to get involved with the Racial Justice Ministry, please email racialjusticeministry@gracecommons.org.

Our Activities

Members of RJM at Grace Commons have helped organize or have participated in the following events:

  • Sponsored at Grace Commons, “Biblical Foundations for Building Multiethnic Churches,” a Sunday seminar to learn about and discuss biblical justice led by Scott Anderson from Grace Commons Church and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (February 2022).
  • Sponsored in our church a community-wide viewing of the movie “This is [Not] Who We Are” with a panel discussion moderated by Rev. Carl Hofmann (October 2022)
  • Ongoing discussions and prayer time focused on racial justice with other Boulder churches and community organizations, such as the NAACP-Boulder Racial Affairs Committee (RAC).


We look forward to connecting with you. Let us know if there are any ways we can help.

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